EWL Trainings’ Materials
Here are a few BILINGUAL out of office email templates!
Here is a short list of job title translations and suggestions for English translations for German professional titles!
EWL’s English email etiquette sheet
Here are some tips on English email basics as well as a list of commonly used phrases!
EWL’S English Phone etiquette sheet
Here is a list of commonly used phrases for phone calls in English!
Language and writing resources
Merriam-Webster is a well established English language dictionary.
The online version offers a great dictionary, including easier to understand definitions for language learners for many words, and a thesaurus, as well as many fun games, apps, and quizzes to help expand your English vocabulary!
Grammarly is a strong tool for English spelling and grammar checks.
This is a useful resource for ensuring that your written English communication is at its best in emails and messages, documents and projects, or social media posts. You can try it out for free or upgrade to premium!
Linguee is a great resource for translating specific terms.
We especially appreciate that it gives multiple translation options and provides examples from the web!
DeepL is our top recommendation for translating full sentences and paragraphs.
You can try out the free version or upgrade to DeepL Pro!
Gesetze im Internet provides translations of many German laws.
For attorneys, tax advisors, or anyone working closely with the law this is a great resource for checking legal term translations and how to express specific legal points correctly in English.
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