Simplicity in Writing!
“I didn’t have time to write a short letter so I wrote a long one”
Keeping written communication short and simple is a difficult task but it is important. Few people are willing or able to struggle through long drawn out articles or emails, especially when it comes to topics that they themselves are not experts in.
Keeping writing concise and to the point can take more time but it gets easier with practice. To help with that practice here are some tips:
1. Be clear in your message
You should know what it is you want to say and stay on message. Don‘t get sidetracked from your point and avoid rambling.
2. Keep sentences and paragraphs short
Keeping your sentences and paragraphs short makes them easier for your reader to take in and understand. Be willing to break long complex sentences into two shorter sentences. If you‘re writing an email don’t be afraid to use bullet points to summarize key pieces of information.
3. Use simple words and avoid “fluff”
Using too many big or fancy words or too many colorful qualifiers can make your writing harder for the reader to follow. Keep it simple unless there is a good reason to use more complex vocabulary.
4. Be specific
It‘s important not to omit necessary information for the sake of keeping things short. As long as you follow the first 3 steps you can be specific and cover the necessary information without jeopardizing the simplicity of your writing.
5. Don’t be repetitive
If you’ve made your point clearly and specifically there is no need to repeat yourself or reword your message over and over.
Practicing clear and concise written communication can help you connect with your audience more effectively. While it may seem difficult and time consuming at first, with practice keeping written communication short and simple can be a big time saver.
-Elaine W. Long